And we hear Mary saying to the disciples, “Do whatever he tells you”. Over the last week our neighbours in Haiti experienced the worst natural disaster in this hemisphere for over 200 years. For us Jamaicans, young people, young ladies of one of the Greatest Schools in Jamaica, Alpha Academy.
What does it mean to do what Jesus tell us? What does it mean to do what love requires. All this means that each of us must find some practical and tangible way of supporting our brothers and sisters in Haiti. For some of us this means spending more time in prayer, asking God to receive the souls of the dead, to give comfort to the injured, let us try to be givers and not takers, to help and not hinder, to build up and not tear down; to encourage and not criticize, to be thoughtful and kind, a ready listener to the troubles of others; despite all our problems, great or small .... and we all have problems. Let us sincerely give gifts to those in need not from our surplus but from the gifts on which our lives depend. Times like these demand great sacrifice of God’s people... all of us here. Let us do what love requires for this is precisely what Jesus tells us to do.
Jesus called his disciples and said to them, “truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all those who gave from their plenty, but she gave from her poverty and put in everything she had, her life, her all”.
The Campus Minister: Velia Espeut,
The CSI Team: Margaret Little Wilson and Sonia Witter Rickards, Team Leader, reporting.
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