Many months in coming . . . Saturday, 12 September 2009. Today His Grace called down the Spirit on the first 140+ Catholic Schools Ministry Volunteers. Below you will see the army of volunteers all in RED. Throughout this month of September these newly commissioned volunteers will begin their ministry of presence in 17 schools under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston as we continue to re-claim our Catholic schools.
Be Not Afriad . . . we go forth Filled with the Spirit!
*During the Limited State of Emergency please exercise caution when exercising your ministry.
*End of Year Assembly: June 28, 4pm at Stella Maris
>>See the BLOG for details
The Archbishop of Kingston, the Most Rev. Donald Reece, DD, is the Chairman of the Archdiocesan Education Board and an ex officio member of the Catholic Schools Initiative.
Catholic School Initiative Committee
Ms Susan Hitchener, Director of Catholic Education Mrs Marjoire Hobbs, Chair Br Michael Duffy, Vice Chair + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Marjorie Hobbs - 926-4666 Br. Michael Duffy - 429-7069 Marcia Chin - 815-5175 Elizabeth Wilson - 978-4663 Susan Hitchener - 977-2920 Laurel Demercado - 384-8906 Derrick Mackay - 413-5241 Lois Hue - 815-1537
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