Sunday, September 27, 2009

McCauley Primary -- now on stream

The CSI Team for McCauley has established itself firmly and are operating optimally according to the stated requirements. At the initial meeting with the acting principal (Mrs. Samuels) and five other teachers it was suggested that the Team should be available for devotions on second and fourth Fridays at 7:00 am for the first shift and 12 noon for the second shift. A session on Thursdays from 11:00 am until 1:00pm was available for interaction with the children.

The CSI Team conducted devotions on Friday, September 18, 2009 for both shifts respectively, with 3 members present at each. Team for the first shift was Cislyn McLennon (leader for the session), Yvonne Johnson and Genevieve Bent. The second team was Hope Chambers, Claudette Graham and Lois Hue. A photo of the latter is attached. The team will meet regularly to refine its approach and confirm the arrangements of how we will meet the available time slots and seek to expand them as we advance.

Monday, September 21, 2009

St Richards and St John the Baptist Prep - Now Online!

Below you will find pictures from the Introduction Day at St John the Baptist Catholic School. Fr Kingsley W. Asphall, Pastor, and Dr Elizabeth Wilson, CSI Committee, join the volunteer ministry team for a photo opportunity

St Richard's (above)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Many months in coming . . . Saturday, 12 September 2009. Today His Grace called down the Spirit on the first 140+ Catholic Schools Ministry Volunteers. Below you will see the army of volunteers all in RED. Throughout this month of September these newly commissioned volunteers will begin their ministry of presence in 17 schools under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston as we continue to re-claim our Catholic schools.

Be Not Afriad . . . we go forth Filled with the Spirit!