Wednesday, December 30, 2009

HOLY TRINITY - Christian Living Week

The week of November 29 – December 4 marked the 2nd annual Christian Living week at Holy Trinity High School. The week began with a Mass at the Cathedral on November 29th and featured a host of Speakers who shared with and encouraged the students.

On Monday November 30th the CSI team had the privilege of organizing a thought provoking and encouraging programme based on respect. The programme featured carols lead by the team, and by our dear Team Leader Keith Lyn. The talented student participation included carols from members of the prefect body and a selection from the Drum Corp. We also had the pleasure of Ms.Teresa Chin, whose moving rendition of the Greatest Love of all was met with resounding applause. Since her participation in Christian Living Week she has expressed her great interest in becoming apart of the Holy Trinity CSI Team.

There were two sessions: Deacon Yee-Sing of Stella Maris shared with the morning shift and Mr. Micheal Burke shared with the afternoon shift. Both men shared stories which triggered self reflection and reminded us about respect for self and others. Mr. Burke spoke on the importance of the stanza of our own National Anthem – ‘Teach us true respect for all’. The students were charged with the responsibility to start the change within self and at school so that our respect based values may be strengthened. Many teachers expressed gratitude for the input as they felt it would be an inspiration to many within the student body. We are truly grateful for such a dedicated team as all our members took time out to be present at the sessions. Thanks be to God for such a blessed day!

Submitted by: Danisha Osbourne, Holy Trinity Team Member

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Volunteer Search - St Joseph's, Spanish Town

On Sunday, 13 December, Marjorie Hobbs, Marcia Chin and Lois Hue went on a CSI Volunteer Search at St Joseph's, Spanish Town. The call for additional volunteers at St Catherine High School, St Catherine Prep and St John's Prep had Marjorie, Marcia and Lois shaking the bushes. Remember: The 3 Kings brought gifts . . . These three came asking you to share your gifts!

St Martin de Porrres

St Martin de Porres has been in full swing this semester with weekly visitors from the Catholic Schools Initiative. Below you will see a few shots of their pre-Christmas break devotional. It looks like Santa may have made an early visit.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

McAuley Christmas Assembly

The Faces

The Drama

Devotion at McAuley . . .

McAuley is a split shift school, so the CSI Team leads devotion for the AM Shift . . . and later that same day for the PM Shift.
Miss Cis coaches the "head girl" doing the reading at devotion.
Check out the school sign: Roman Catholic Archdiocese!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

McCauley Primary -- now on stream

The CSI Team for McCauley has established itself firmly and are operating optimally according to the stated requirements. At the initial meeting with the acting principal (Mrs. Samuels) and five other teachers it was suggested that the Team should be available for devotions on second and fourth Fridays at 7:00 am for the first shift and 12 noon for the second shift. A session on Thursdays from 11:00 am until 1:00pm was available for interaction with the children.

The CSI Team conducted devotions on Friday, September 18, 2009 for both shifts respectively, with 3 members present at each. Team for the first shift was Cislyn McLennon (leader for the session), Yvonne Johnson and Genevieve Bent. The second team was Hope Chambers, Claudette Graham and Lois Hue. A photo of the latter is attached. The team will meet regularly to refine its approach and confirm the arrangements of how we will meet the available time slots and seek to expand them as we advance.

Monday, September 21, 2009

St Richards and St John the Baptist Prep - Now Online!

Below you will find pictures from the Introduction Day at St John the Baptist Catholic School. Fr Kingsley W. Asphall, Pastor, and Dr Elizabeth Wilson, CSI Committee, join the volunteer ministry team for a photo opportunity

St Richard's (above)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Many months in coming . . . Saturday, 12 September 2009. Today His Grace called down the Spirit on the first 140+ Catholic Schools Ministry Volunteers. Below you will see the army of volunteers all in RED. Throughout this month of September these newly commissioned volunteers will begin their ministry of presence in 17 schools under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston as we continue to re-claim our Catholic schools.

Be Not Afriad . . . we go forth Filled with the Spirit!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Mark your calendar's . . . the Catholic Schools Initiative will have the commissioning of volunteers on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 9:00am. The programme will begin with Mass and Commissioning by Archbishop Reece. The venue is Stella Maris Church and Pastoral Centre, Shortwood Road, Kingston. After the liturgy volunteers will gather for last minute updates and distribution of materials for the first term.
Please spread the message so all volunteers - especially those without email access are in the loop!

Monday, June 1, 2009

A second charge . . .

At the time of Archbishop Burke's turning over the archdiocese to Archbishop-elect Donald Reece (April 12, 2008), Archbishop Burke put in a word for the continued support of the work of the Catholic Schools Initiative. Soon after Archbishop Reece began as our seated bishop, he called Mrs Hobbs in and re-affirmed the work begun and encouraged the work to progress.

At the same time...

As the work progressed at the primary level attempts were made to identify and get in place a Campus Minister at each of the secondary schools under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Kingston. Over these past two years the Campus Ministers have taken an active role in keeping our schools Catholic. Annual Campus Minister Meetings are held, as well as, annual cluster days for Catholic students at the secondary level to get together.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

When it all began . . .

In 2006 the seated archbishop, the Most Rev Lawrence Burke, SJ, with Mrs Marjoire Hobbs took on the task of reclaiming our schools. That is to: re-establish a Catholic ethos in those denominational schools under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Kingston. The process began with a personal visit to every all age, prep and primary school in the archdiocese. This process led to deanery meetings with the pastor, principal and board chair of each school to review and discuss the results of the individual school interviews. This led to a series of meetings that brought us to the realization that the first step to reclaiming our schools was - getting committed men and women for our local churches into the school to develop a ministry of presence.