Monday, April 5, 2010

Pentecost (Third) Term Resumption Date

Team Captains, Team Leaders and CSI Volunteers,

Greetings in the Lord these days of Easter!

Please note that we will resume duty at our respective schools as of Monday, 19 April 2010. This is the second week of the term and at the prinicpals' request we avoid the first week as school starts back up.

Please pass this message along to all members of CSI Ministry - resume ministry as of Monday, 19 April 2010.

Thanks for your continued presence in the schools of the Archdiocese.


Br Michael Duffy, ofm conv

Vice Chair


Dear CSI Volunteers -

He Has Risen! Truly He Has Risen!!!

May you know the blessings of the Risen Lord for the gift of your ministry in the schools of the Archdiocese of Kingston. Like Peter and John, you run ahead, to tell of the good news - He has risen, truly He has risen! May the witness of your presence and the good news you bring to our schools continue, and may it multiply. As we hear in these days of Easter- PEACE!

The CSI Committee

Friday, April 2, 2010

IMPORTANT MEETING for All Team Leaders

An Urgent Meeting for ALL Team Leaders has been scheduled. To help accommodate ALL Team Leaders two (identical) sessions will be offered before we return to classes on 12 April 2010. All Team Leaders must attend, any Team Captains who wish to attend are most welcome. The particulars:

Tuesday, 6 April 2010
10:00 - 11:15am
Chancery Board Room

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
2:00pm - 3:15pm
Chancery Board Room

See YOU there!